These are the parameters (items to set) you see when you press the [G] (VOICE) button while holding down the [SHIFT] button.

Use the [TEMPO/VALUE] knob to select a parameter, and press the [C´] (ENTER) button to edit the parameter’s value.


If you’re viewing this content on your smartphone, we recommend that you turn your smartphone on its side for landscape mode.










A-1, A-2, ..., h-7, h-8

Selects the sample that’s assigned to the [GRANULAR] pad.

If the selected sample is stereo, only the L channel is assigned.

Coarse Tune


[PITCH] knob



Adjusts the pitch of the sample in semitones.

Fine Tune




Adjusts the pitch of the sample in cents.





Randomly changes the pitch used to trigger notes when sample pads are selected.

This randomly changes the pitch used to trigger notes for each grain when the [GRANULAR] pad is selected.

Head Position



[START] knob


0.000–(sample end time)


Sets the start time (head position) for the sample used to generate the grains.

Head Speed





Sets the grain playback speed (the speed at which the playback head moves).

When this is set to a positive value, the head moves (plays back) from the position set in Head Position towards the end of the sample.

When this is set to a negative value, the head moves (plays back in reverse) from the position set in Head Position towards the beginning of the sample.

When the head reaches the end/beginning of the sample, it returns to the position specified in Head Position and repeats the playback.




[CTRL1] knob



Adjusts the position at which the grain is generated based on the position set in the Head Position parameter.

When the Head Speed value is positive, the head plays back randomly from the point after the Head Position; and when the Head Speed value is negative, the head plays back randomly from the point before the Head Position.




[CTRL2] knob



Sets the density at which the grains are generated during a given time.

Grain Shape



[CTRL3] knob


OFF, 149, 50, 51100

Sets how the grain volume changes.

When this is off, the volume is treated as a square wave (no change in volume). With a value of 1–49, the volume fades out (); a value of 51–100 makes the volume fade in (), and a value of 50 produces a half fade-in, half-fade-out time ().

Grain Size



[END] knob


0.000– (sec)


Sets the size of the grains.


The grain size is affected by the Coarse Tune, Fine Tune and Grain Time Key Follow parameters.

Grain Reverse Probability





Sets the probability of generating grains that play backwards.

Larger values create more grains that play backwards.

Grain Timing Jitter





Randomly changes the timing at which grains are generated.

Larger values make the grains occur at more random times.

Grain Time Key Follow





Sets how the grain sizes change according to the key you play.

Larger values make the grain sizes uniform, regardless of what key you play.

As a result, the grain playback times get shorter when you play higher keys, and the grain playback times get longer when you play lower keys.

Smaller values lengthen the grain size when you play higher keys and shorten the grain size when you play lower keys.

As a result, the grain playback times are the same, regardless of what key you play.

When you set this to 0 and play a chord, the timings (loop cycles) triggered by each key are lined up.

Start Mode




CoLd (Cold), hot (Hot)

Set this to “Cold” to make the grains play back while their number gradually increases.

Set this to “Hot” to make the grains all play back at once.


This effect is produced when the Grains parameter is set to larger values.





OFF, 264

Splits a sample into equal parts.

The split-up samples are respectively assigned to note numbers, from C4 to D´9.

Start Position



[START] knob


0.000–sample end time (sec)


Sets the sample playback start time.




[END] knob

(*4, *6)

0.000– (sec)


Sets the sample length (the playback range from the Start Position).

Loop Size



[END] knob

(*4, *6)

0.000– (sec)


Sets the length of sample loop playback.

The loop plays back from the time set in the Loop Size parameter (loop point) through the length set in the Size parameter.

T.Env Mode




Changes the volume using a typical ADSR (attack-decay-sustain-release) curve.


Changes the volume in the AÓDÓR phases of the envelope, without waiting for you to release the key.

ADA.C (Cyclic)

Changes the volume over the AÓDÓAÓ... repeating cycle of the envelope while the key is held down.

T.Env Attack


[PITCH] knob


0255 (0–10 sec)

Sets the attack time (A).

T.Env Decay


[START] knob


0255 (0–10 sec)

Sets the decay time (D).

T.Env Sustain


[END] knob



Adjusts the sustain level (S).

T.Env Release


[LEVEL] knob


0255 (0–10 sec)

Sets the release time (R).

T.Env Time Key Follow




This lets you modify how fast the changes in volume occur that you set using the Env Attack, Env Decay and Env Release parameters, according to the key that’s played or triggered.

Larger values result in a shorter time to change the volume as you play higher keys, and a longer time to change the volume as you play lower keys.

Smaller values result in a fixed amount of time to change the volume, regardless of the key you play.

Amp Switch



Off, On

When this is “On”, the volume is controlled according to the Env Attack, Env Decay, Env Sustain and Env Release settings.

Mute Group




Off, 1128

Sets the mute group.

The samples set to the same group can’t be played at the same time.

Set the samples that you don’t want to play together (sounds that you don’t want layered).

When you try and play the samples within that group all at the same time, only the sample that started playing back last is heard.

  1. This is enabled for the [GRANULAR] pad.
  2. This is enabled for the sample pads [1][6].
  3. This is enabled for SAMPLE EDIT (VOICE).
  4. This is enabled on the top screen (the tempo display you see right after the power is turned on).
  5. You can set this on a per-sample basis (1 ÷ sample rate).
    For this reason, the value shown in the display may not change even when you turn the [TEMPO/VALUE] knob.
    Turn the [TEMPO/VALUE] knob while holding down the [SHIFT] button to increase the value even more.
  6. When you operate the knob, the Size and Loop Size parameters work in tandem.
    Both parameters are stored during Motion REC.