This effect uses “Karplus-Strong synthesis”, which is often used in physical modeling of sounds.
This lets you alter the sound with a maximum of six “resonators” that match different keys or chords.
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
ROOT | C-1–G9 | Sets the reference pitch (root note). |
BRIGHT | 0–100 | Adjusts the tonal brightness. |
FEEDBACK | 0–99 (%) | Adjusts the amount of feedback for the effect. |
CHORD | Root, Oct, UpDn, P5, m3, m5, m7, m7oct, m0, m11, M3, M5, M7, M7oct, M9, M11 | Sets the composite notes (chord) to resonate. |
PANNING | 0–100 | Sets the panning for the resonator. |
ENV MOD | 0–100 | Larger values increase the amount of feedback according to the input level. |