Controlling the grains

This shows how to adjust the grain to edit the sound.

  1. Follow the steps in “Using the granular sampler” to assign the sample you want to process with the granular sampler to the [GRANULAR] pad.
  2. Press the [G] (VOICE) button while holding down the [SHIFT] button.
  3. This lets you edit the sample.
  4. Use the [TEMPO/VALUE] knob to select a parameter, and press the [C´] (ENTER) button.
  5. MEMO

    For details on the parameters you can set, refer to “SAMPLE EDIT (VOICE) settings”.

  6. Use the [TEMPO/VALUE] knob to edit the value.
  7. MEMO

    1. You can also adjust some of the parameters with the [CTRL1][CTRL3] knobs as well as the [PITCH], [START], [END] and [LEVEL] knobs.
      Refer to “SAMPLE EDIT (VOICE) settings” for details.
    2. You can preview the granular sampler sound that you’re editing by pressing the [GRANULAR] pad.
      The grain playback status is indicated by the step buttons at that time.
  8. To exit the operation, press the [C] (EXIT) button twice.


You can restore the settings for the [GRANULAR] pad to how they were before they were edited.

Refer to “Restoring the [GRANULAR] pad settings” for details.