This effect allows the left/right signals that have similar phase to be adjusted to a different sense of volume than the left/right signals that have different phase.




M Comp Switch OFF, ON Switches whether to adjust the sense of volume for left/right input signals that are nearly (or fully) in phase.
M Attack 0–124 Sets the time from when the input exceeds the Threshold until the volume starts being compressed.
M Release 0–124 Adjusts the time after the signal volume falls below the Threshold Level until compression is no longer applied.
M Threshold (*1) -60–0 [dB] Adjusts the volume at which compression begins.
M Knee 0–30 [dB] This is a function that smooths the onset of compression from the uncompressed state; it gradually applies compression starting earlier than THRESHOLD. Higher values produce a smoother transition.
M Ratio 1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1, 4:1, 16:1, INF:1 Compression ratio
M Post Gain 0–+18 [dB] Adjusts the output gain.
S Comp Switch OFF, ON Switches whether to adjust the sense of volume for left/right input signals whose signals are considerably out of phase
S Attack 0–124 Sets the time from when the input exceeds the Threshold until the volume starts being compressed
S Release 0–124 Adjusts the time after the signal volume falls below the Threshold Level until compression is no longer applied.
S Threshold -60–0 [dB] Adjusts the volume at which compression begins
S Knee 0–30 [dB] This is a function that smooths the onset of compression from the uncompressed state; it gradually applies compression starting earlier than THRESHOLD. Higher values produce a smoother transition.
S Ratio 1:1, 1.5:1, 2:1, 4:1, 16:1, INF:1 Compression ratio
S Post Gain 0–+18 [dB] Adjusts the output gain.
Level 0–127 Output Level

*1: This parameter corresponds to MFX Ctrl. For details, refer to “Steuern des MFX mit den PAD EDIT [1] [2]-Reglern (MFX Ctrl)”.
*1: This parameter corresponds to MASTER EFFECT CTRL. For details, refer to “Steuern des MASTER EFFECT mit dem MASTER EFFECT-Regler (MASTER EFFECT CTRL)”.