This is a stereo flanger (The LFO has the same phase for left and right.).
It produces a metallic resonance that rises and falls like a jet airplane taking off or landing.
A filter is provided so that you can adjust the timbre of the flanged sound.




Filter Type OFF, LPF, HPF

Type of filter
OFF: No filter is used.
LPF: Cuts the frequency range above the Cutoff Freq
HPF: Cuts the frequency range below the Cutoff Freq

Cutoff Freq 200, 250, 315, 400, 500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150, 4000, 5000, 6300, 8000 [Hz]

Basic frequency of the filter

Pre Delay 0.0–100 [msec]

Adjusts the delay time from the direct sound until the flanger sound is heard.

Tempo Sync OFF, ON

If this is ON, the rate synchronizes with the tempo of the rhythm.


Rate (Hz) 0.05–10.00 [Hz]

Frequency of modulation

Rate (note)

Ø Note

Depth (*1) 0–127 Depth of modulation
Phase 0–180 [deg] Spatial spread of the sound
Feedback -98–+98 [%] Adjusts the proportion of the flanger sound that is fed back into the effect. Negative (-) settings will invert the phase.
Low Gain -15–+15 [dB] Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 [dB] Gain of the high range
Balance D100:0W–D0:100W Volume balance between the direct sound (D) and the flanger sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output Level

*1: This parameter corresponds to MFX Ctrl. For details, refer to “Steuern des MFX mit den PAD EDIT [1] [2]-Reglern (MFX Ctrl)”.
*1: This parameter corresponds to MASTER EFFECT CTRL. For details, refer to “Steuern des MASTER EFFECT mit dem MASTER EFFECT-Regler (MASTER EFFECT CTRL)”.