Cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in timbre.




Filter Type LPF, BPF

Type of filter
LPF: Produces a wah effect in a broad frequency range.
BPF: Produces a wah effect in a narrow frequency range.

Manual 0–127

Center frequency at which the wah effect is applied

Peak 0–127

Width of the frequency region at which the wah effect is applied
Increasing this value will make the frequency region narrower.

Sens 0–127

Adjusts the sensitivity with which the filter is controlled.

Polarity UP, DOWN

Direction in which the filter will move
UP: The filter will change toward a higher frequency.
DOWN: The filter will change toward a lower frequency.

Tempo Sync OFF, ON

If this is ON, the rate synchronizes with the tempo of the rhythm.

Rate (Hz) (*1) 0.05–10.00 [Hz]

Modulation frequency of the wah effect

Rate (note) (*1)

Ø Note

Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Phase 0–180 [deg] Adjusts the degree of phase shift of the left and right sounds when the wah effect is applied.
Low Gain -15–+15 [dB] Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 [dB] Gain of the high range
Level 0–127 Output Level

*1: This parameter corresponds to MFX Ctrl. For details, refer to “Steuern des MFX mit den PAD EDIT [1] [2]-Reglern (MFX Ctrl)”.
*1: This parameter corresponds to MASTER EFFECT CTRL. For details, refer to “Steuern des MASTER EFFECT mit dem MASTER EFFECT-Regler (MASTER EFFECT CTRL)”.