1. On the KIT screen, press the [F5] (TOOLS) button.

    This opens the TOOLS window.

  2. Use the [F6] (SELECT) button to select the function to execute.

    If you decide to cancel, press the [F5] (EXIT) button.

    The edited settings are automatically saved once the power is turned off.

Copying a Kit and Swapping Two Kits (TOOLS-COPY KIT)
Copying a Pad and Swapping Two Pads (TOOLS-COPY PAD)
Listening/Reverting to the Original Kit Before Edits (TOOLS-UNDO)
Loading Kit Backup Data from a USB Flash Drive (TOOLS-LOAD 1 KIT)
Importing an Audio File (TOOLS-WAVE IMPORT)
Saving the Current Settings (TOOLS-WRITE)