Here’s how to copy the settings of a pad and to exchange the settings of two pads.

  1. On the KIT screen, press the [F5] (TOOLS) button.

    This opens the TOOLS window.

  2. Use the cursor [à] [á] [ã] [â] buttons to select “COPY PAD” and press the [F6] (SELECT) button.

    The COPY PAD screen appears.

  3. Use the cursor [à] [á] buttons to select a parameter, and then use the [-] [+] buttons to change the setting.




    From USER, USB MEMORY 1–99

    Copy source kit location

    USER: Copies data from user memory. You can swap (exchange) the copy source and copy destination kits, but only if the copy source is in user memory.
    USB MEMORY 1–99: Copies pads from backup data saved on a USB flash drive.

    Kit number Copy source kit number
    PAD1–9, TRIG IN1–8, FOOT SW1/2 Copy source pad number
    To Kit number Copy/exchange destination kit number
    PAD1–9, TRIG IN1–8, FOOT SW1/2 Copy/exchange destination pad number
  4. Press the [F6] button to copy, and the [F5] button to exchange.



    [F5] (EXCHANGE) Exchanges the pad in the “From” area with the pad in the “To” area.
    [F6] (COPY) Copies (overwrites) the pad in the “From” area to the pad in the “To” area. This erases the pad data saved in the “To” area.

    A confirmation message appears.

    If you decide to cancel, select “CANCEL” and press the [ENTER] button.

  5. Use the cursor [ã] [â] buttons to select “OK”, and press the [ENTER] button.

    After “Completed!” appears, the display returns to the previous screen.