Here’s how to initialize the SYSTEM parameter settings (MENU Ó parameters in SYSTEM).
When you execute SYSTEM INIT, all of the SYSTEM settings are lost.
If there are any settings that you want to keep, save them to a USB flash drive.

Restoring the factory settings (including waves)

Executing SYSTEM INIT does not restore any deleted preload kits or waves to their factory settings.
To restore the unit to its factory default settings including the kits and waves, insert the USB flash drive that contains the factory default backup data and follow the steps in Loading Backup Data for All of this Unit’s Settings from a USB Flash Drive (LOAD) to load the data.
The factory default data can be downloaded from the Roland website.

  1. Select [MENU] Ó “SYSTEM”.
  2. Use the cursor [à] [á] [ã] [â] buttons to select “SYSTEM INIT” and press the [ENTER] button.

    The SYSTEM INITIALIZE screen appears.

  3. To execute, press the [F6] (EXECUTE) button.

    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Use the cursor [ã] [â] buttons to select “OK”, and press the [ENTER] button.

    If you decide to cancel, select “EXIT” and press the [ENTER] button.
    Once you press the [ENTER] button after “System Initialize Completed!” appears, the AUTO OFF settings screen appears.

  5. Use the cursor [ã] [â] buttons to select either [F1] (OFF) or [F6] (4 HOURS).



    [F1] (OFF) The power does not turn off automatically.
    [F6] (4 HOURS) The power turns off automatically if you do not operate this unit for four hours.

    If you do not operate the unit at this time, the “4HOURS” setting (default value) is used, and the display returns to the KIT screen.