Sets the key range for each tone. Set this when you want different key ranges to play different tones.

The FĈ3 display indicates “F´3.”


Step buttons Item Value Explanation
[1] Rg.A.L C-–G9

Sets the lower limit of the key range for TONE A.

[2] Rg.A.H C-–G9

Sets the upper limit of the key range for TONE A.

[3] Rg.B.L C-–G9 Sets the lower limit of the key range for TONE B.
[4] Rg.B.H C-–G9 Sets the upper limit of the key range for TONE B.
[5] Rg.C.L C-–G9 Sets the lower limit of the key range for TONE C.
[6] Rg.C.H C-–G9 Sets the upper limit of the key range for TONE C.
[7] Rg.D.L C-–G9 Sets the lower limit of the key range for TONE D.
[8] Rg.D.H C-–G9 Sets the upper limit of the key range for TONE D.

These parameters set how much the pitch bend controller changes the pitch when you use it.


Step buttons Item Value Explanation
[9] bnd.D 0–48 (semitones) Sets the lower limit of the pitch bend controller.
[10] bnd.U 0–12 (semitones) Sets the upper limit of the pitch bend controller.