These parameters configure the overall settings for the parts.

Step buttons Item Value Explanation
[1] SEL A, B

Selects the part to configure.

You can also select a part by holding down the [NOTE] button and pressing the [TONE A] or [TONE B] button.

[2] P.UoL 0–127

Adjusts the part volume.

You can adjust this parameter for each pattern.

[3] P.PAn L 64–r 63 Sets the pan position for each part.
[4] UoL 0–127 Adjusts the tone volume.
[5] UnSn OFF, On When this is on, a certain number of sounds (set in each tone) are layered for a unison effect.
[6] PrtA

This sets the playing style for applying portamento.

norN Portamento is always applied.
LEgA Portamento is only applied when you play in legato style (playing one key and then playing the next while holding down the first one).


Prt.t 0–100

When portamento is used, this sets the time taken for the pitch to change.

Higher settings make the pitch take longer when gliding to the next note.

[8] LEGt OFF, On

When this is turned on and you play a note while holding down the first note (legato style), the second note you play sounds without its attack portion. This lets you smoothly connect the pitches without a gap in the notes.

This effect is applied when [SOLO] button is on.

[9] Aft.S -36, -24, -12–12 Sets the aftertouch sensitivity.