This section controls the volume.
Controller (Parameter) | Value | Explanation |
[LEVEL] slider |
0–100 | Adjusts the layer’s volume. |
[BIAS DIRECTION] button | Selects the BIAS DIRECTION mode. This corrects the layer’s volume according to the key you press. |
UPPER (UP) | The higher the key you play above the key specified by the BIAS POINT, the greater the volume changes according to the settings of the [BIAS LEVEL] slider. | |
LOWER (Lo) |
The lower the key you play above the key specified by the BIAS POINT, the greater the volume changes according to the settings of the [BIAS LEVEL] slider. | |
UPPER&LOWER (U_L) | The further away that the key (higher or lower) you play is from the key specified by the BIAS POINT, the greater the volume changes according to the settings of the [BIAS LEVEL] slider. At this time, both the UPPER and LOWER indicators light up. |
[BIAS POINT] slider | 0–127 | Sets the base key from which the volume is changed. A value of 64 equals C4 (middle C). |
[BIAS LEVEL] slider | -10–10 | Adjusts the amount that the volume changes when the volume is corrected with BIAS DIRECTION. Positive values result in higher volumes when you play keys higher than the BIAS POINT, and negative values result in lower volumes. |
[LFO SELECT] button | LFO1 (LFO.1), LFO2 (LFO.2) | Selects the LFO used to modulate the layer volume. |
[LFO] slider | -50–50 | Sets how much LFO1 and LFO2 modulates the layer volume. |