Step buttons Parameter (as displayed) Value Explanation
[1] OFF, On  Turns the equalizer on/off.
[2] Lo. F 20–999 (Hz), 1.00–16.00 (kHz) Sets the center frequency of the low range.
[3] Lo. G -24.0–24.0 (dB)  Adjusts the amount of boost/cut of the low-frequency range.
[4] Nid.F 20–999 (Hz), 1.00–16.00 (kHz) Adjusts the amount of mid-frequency boost/cut.
[5] Nid.q 0.5–16.0 Sets the width of the mid-frequency range. Higher values make the width more narrow.
[6] Nid.G -24.0–24.0 (dB)  Adjusts the amount of boost/cut of the mid-frequency range.
[7] Hi. F 20–999 (Hz), 1.00–16.00 (kHz) Sets the center frequency of the high range.
[8] Hi. G -24.0–24.0 (dB)  Adjusts the amount of boost/cut of the high-frequency range.