Parameter | Value | Explanation |
Curve Type | Sets how the volume changes according to how hard you strike a pad. | |
Lin | This is the standard setting. This produces the most natural balance between playing dynamics and volume change. | |
Exp | Compared to “Lin,” playing strongly produces a greater change in volume. | |
Log | Compared to “Lin,” playing softly produces a greater change in volume. | |
Fix | Sets the volume at a fixed level of 127. | |
Threshold | 1–100 | This sets the minimum sensitivity of the pads, at which the trigger signal is received only when a pad is struck with at least a certain amount of force (velocity). This can be used to prevent a pad from sounding due to vibrations from other pads. |
Gain | 0–100 | The sensitivity is adjusted with the curve as-is. The larger the value, the greater the sensitivity is when playing the pads. |
Trig Span | 1–10 | Adjusts the sensitivity of the pads to repeated strikes. With lower values, the pads detect repeated strikes within a shorter time interval. Set this value higher if you don’t want the pad to accidentally detect repeated strikes. |
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
LED Brightness | 1–10 | Sets the brightness of the indicators on the buttons and pads. This sets the brightness when the buttons or pads are highlighted. |
LED Glow | 1–10 | Sets the brightness of the indicators on the buttons and pads. This sets the brightness when the buttons or pads are not highlighted. |
Pad LED Mode | This selects the color of the pad illumination. | |
BUS | The pads light up in the color set in “BUS COLOR.” In this mode, the pad colors change according to the bus through which the sample audio is sent. | |
PAD | The pads light up in the color set in “PAD COLOR.” |
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
BUS1 Color BUS2 Color DRY Color | Default, 1–127, White | Changes the pad color for each bus through which sample audio is sent. This can be set for BUS 1, BUS 2 and DRY respectively. This is enabled when Pad LED Mode is “BUS.”
Parameter | Value | Explanation |
PAD-1–PAD-16 | Default, 1–127, White | Specifies the colors of individual pads. This is enabled when Pad LED Mode is “PAD,” and when a sample is either playing back or stopped while in sample mode. |