Changes the voice to a vocoder voice.

  • This is enabled with INPUT FX.

NOTE-17– -1, 1–18

Sets which note in the chromatic scale should sound, counting from the root of the SCALE value. The scale and chord structure that is used depends on the SCALE and CHORD settings.

The NOTE value can be controlled via note messages from a MIDI keyboard connected to the MIDI IN connector, a computer connected via USB, a DAW app running on an iOS device and so on.

At that time, you can send pitch bend messages to continuously change the pitch.

For note messages (Note Number = 0–127) and pitch bend messages, set the MIDI channel on your external device to “11.”

FORMANT-100–100Adjusts the formant of the voice. Lower settings give a more masculine vocal character, and higher settings give a more feminine vocal character.
TONE-100–100Adjusts the brightness of the effect sound.
SCALEC maj–B maj, C min–B minSets the scale to use and its root.

Root, P5, Oct, UpDn, UpDnP5, 3rd, 5thUp, 5thDn, 7thUp, 7thDn

Sets the chord structure.

Adjusts the volume balance between dry (the original sound) and effect sound.