Here’s how to set the loudness or strength of the notes (from the scale on the keys) you play, as well as the length of each note.

  1. Select the pattern to edit (Selecting a Pattern).
  2. Press the [SEQ] button.

    Sequencer mode turns on, and the current tempo is shown.

  3. Hold down the [1]–[16] buttons and press the [VALUE] knob to select the step to edit.

    The step number to be edited is shown.

  4. Press the [VALUE] knob.

    The current velocity is shown.

    Example indications Explanation
    U.  1 Velocity 1
    U.127 Velocity 127

  5. Turn the [VALUE] knob to set the velocity, and press the [VALUE] knob.

    The current gate time is shown.

    Example indications Explanation
    G.  0 Gate time 0
    G.100 Gate time 100
    G.tie tie

  6. Turn the [VALUE] knob to set the gate time, and press the [VALUE] knob.

    The display returns to the step number to be edited. The display repeats consecutively with each press of the [VALUE] knob.

  7. To exit the settings, press the [MENU] button.

    The display returns to the current tempo.