Step buttons Parameter Value Explanation
[1] tyPe FiLt

This is a filter with an extremely sharp slope (attenuation characteristics). The cutoff frequency can be varied cyclically.

[2] Off, On Turns the effects on/off.
[3] tyPE

Frequency range that passes through each filter

LPF Frequencies at or below the cutoff
bPF Frequencies in the region of the cutoff
HPF Frequencies at or above the cutoff
notc Frequencies other than the region of the cutoff
[4] SLoP Filter slope (attenuation characteristics; amount of attenuation per octave)
-12 (dB) Gentle
-24 (dB) Steep
-36 (dB) Extremely steep
[5] C.OFF 0–127

Cutoff frequency of the filter

Increasing this value raises the cutoff frequency.

[6] rESo 0–100

Filter resonance level

Increasing this value emphasizes the region near the cutoff frequency.

[7] GAin 0–12 (dB) Amount of boost for the filter output
[8] Nod Off, On On/off switch for cyclic change
[9] Nod.ľ These waves control how the cutoff frequency changes.
tri Triangle wave
Sqr Square wave
Sin Sine wave
Saľ1 Sawtooth wave (upward)
Saľ2 Sawtooth wave (downward)
[10] Sync Off, On

When this is ON, the effect synchronizes with the tempo of the rhythm.

Tempo Settings

[11] tiNE 0.05–10.00 (Hz) Rate of modulation
[12] notE

About note values

[13] dePt 0–127 Depth of modulation
[14] AtK 0–127

Speed at which the cutoff frequency changes

The Nod.ľ parameter is effective when using a square wave or sawtooth wave (upward or downward).

[15] LEU 0–127 Output level

You can also press a step button to select the parameter items.