This is a filter with an extremely sharp slope (attenuation characteristics). The cutoff frequency can be varied cyclically.

Parameter Value Explanation
CUTOFF 0–100 Sets the frequency range in which the filter works (the cutoff frequency). Higher values increase the frequency range.

Adjusts the filter’s resonance level.

The larger the value, the more that the frequency range set in CUTOFF is emphasized.


Sets the filter type.

LPF A low-pass filter. This filter lets frequencies pass through that are higher than the frequency range set in CUTOFF.
BPF A band-pass filter. This filter lets frequencies pass through that are near the frequency range set in CUTOFF.
HPF A high-pass filter. This filter lets frequencies pass through that are higher than the frequency range set in CUTOFF.
DEPTH 0–100 Sets the depth of the effect.
RATE 0–100 Sets the cycle (period) of the effect.
SYNC OFF, ON When this is ON, the effect sound synchronizes with the tempo.