Chain Palette

A pedal effect that peaks in a certain frequency range.

Parameter Value Explanation
ON/OFF OFF, ON Turns this effect on/off.
WAH TYPE Selects the type of wah.
CRY WAH This models the sound of the CRY BABY wah pedal popular in the ’70s.
VO WAH This models the sound of the VOX V846.
FAT WAH This is a wah sound featuring a bold tone.
LIGHT WAH This wah has a refined sound with no unusual characteristics.
7STRING WAH This expanded wah features a variable range compatible with seven-string and baritone guitars.
RESO WAH This completely original effect offers enhancements on the characteristic resonances produced by analog synth filters.
EFFECT LEVEL 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the effect sound.
DIRECT MIX 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the direct sound.

Adjusts the position of the wah pedal.

  • This parameter is used after it’s been assigned to an expression pedal or similar controller.
PEDAL MIN 0–100 Selects the tone produced when the heel of the pedal is depressed.
PEDAL MAX 0–100 Selects the tone produced when the toe of the pedal is depressed.