Chain Palette

This effect uses MDP technology to add new harmonics to the sound, producing resonance and richness that was not present in the original sound.

Parameter Value Explanation
ON/OFF OFF, ON Turns this effect on/off.
LOWER LEVEL 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the harmonic one octave below.
UPPER LEVEL 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the harmonic one octave above.
UNISON LEVEL 0–100 Adjusts the volume of added sound whose pitch is slightly shifted relative to the direct sound.
DIRECT LEVEL 0–100 Adjusts the volume of the direct sound.
DETUNE 0–100 Adjusts the amount of the detune effect that adds depth to the sound.
LOW -50–+50 Adjusts the tonal character of the low-frequency range.
HIGH -50–+50 Adjusts the tonal character of the high-frequency range.
OUTPUT MODE MONO, STEREO Selects how output occurs.