This adds dynamics to the sound, by dynamically bringing up the high end using a split-band compressor.




Band2 Threshold

-80.0–0.0 (dB)

Raises the midrange frequency levels when they fall below the specified amount.

Band2 Max Gain

0–+24 (dB)

Sets how much to raise the levels when the midrange volume is low.

Band3 Threshold

-80.0–0.0 (dB)

Raises the high-end frequency levels when they fall below the specified amount.

Band3 Max Gain

0–+24 (dB)

Sets how much to raise the levels when the high-end frequency volume is low.

Split1 Frequency

2000–5000 (Hz)

Frequency at which the low and midrange frequencies are split

Split2 Frequency

3000–10000 (Hz)

Frequency at which the midrange and high-end frequencies are split



Output Level