This type provides modified response for the rotary speaker, with the low end boosted further.
This effect features the same specifications as the VK-7’s built-in rotary speaker.






Rotational speed of the rotating speaker

SLOW: Slow
FAST: Fast



Switches the rotation of the rotary speaker.
When this is turned on, the rotation will gradually stop. When it is turned off, the rotation will gradually resume.

Wf Slow 0.05–10.00 [Hz] Low-speed rotation speed of the woofer
Wf Fast 0.05–10.00 [Hz] High-speed rotation speed of the woofer
Wf Trs Up 0–127 Adjusts the rate at which the woofer rotation speeds up when the rotation is switched from Slow to Fast.
Wf Trs Dw 0–127 Adjusts the rate at which the woofer rotation speeds up when the rotation is switched from Fast to Slow.
Wf Level 0–127 Volume of the woofer
Tw Slow 0.05–10.00 [Hz]

Settings of the tweeter

The parameters are the same as for the woofer.

Tw Fast 0.05–10.00 [Hz]
Tw Trs Up 0–127
Tw Trs Dw 0–127
Tw Level 0–127
Spread 0–10

Sets the rotary speaker stereo image.

Low Gain -15–+15 [dB] Amount of boost/cut for the low-frequency range
High Gain -15–+15 [dB] Amount of boost/cut for the high-frequency range
Level 0–127 Output Level
OD Switch OFF, ON Overdrive on/off
OD Gain 0–127

Overdrive input level

Higher values will increase the distortion.

OD Drive 0–127 Degree of distortion
OD Level 0–127 Volume of the overdrive