Recreates the effects included in group A of the JD-800.





DS - PH - SP - EN

Selects the connection order of the effects.

DS: Distortion
PH: Phaser
SP: Spectrum
EN: Enhancer

DS - PH - EN - SP

DS - SP - PH - EN

DS - SP - EN - PH

DS - EN - PH - SP

DS - EN - SP - PH

PH - DS - SP - EN

PH - DS - EN - SP

PH - SP - DS - EN

PH - SP - EN - DS

PH - EN - DS - SP

PH - EN - SP - DS

SP - DS - PH - EN

SP - DS - EN - PH

SP - PH - DS - EN

SP - PH - EN - DS

SP - EN - DS - PH

SP - EN - PH - DS

EN - DS - PH - SP

EN - DS - SP - PH

EN - PH - DS - SP

EN - PH - SP - DS

EN - SP - DS - PH

EN - SP - PH - DS

DS Switch OFF, ON Turns the distortion on/off.
DS Type

Sets the type of distortion.
MELLOW DRV Softer distortion with a slightly darker sound.
OVERDRIVE Distortion that resembles a vacuum tube amp being driven.
CRY DRV Distortion that emphasizes the high end.
MELLOW DST Gives the feeling of distortion playing through a large amp.
LIGHT DST Strong distortion with a bright sound.
FAT DIST Thick distortion that emphasizes the low and high ends.
FUZZ DIST Distortion that’s even more powerful that FAT DIST.
DS Drive 0–100 Sets the amount of distortion.
DS Level 0–100 Sets the distortion output level.
PH Switch OFF, ON Turns the phaser on/off.
PH Manual 50 [Hz]–15.0 [kHz] Sets the basic frequency from which the sound is modulated with the phaser effect.
PH Rate 0.1–10.0 [Hz] Sets the cycle of the phaser modulation.
PH Depth 0–100 Sets the depth of the phaser modulation.
PH Resonance 0–100 Sets the amount of feedback for the phaser. Increasing the value creates a more unusual sound.
PH Mix 0–100 Sets the level of the phase-shifted sound.
SP Switch OFF, ON Turns the spectrum on/off.
SP Band Ctrl1 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 250 Hz range.
SP Band Ctrl2 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 500 Hz range.
SP Band Ctrl3 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 1000 Hz range.
SP Band Ctrl4 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 2000 Hz range.
SP Band Ctrl5 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 4000 Hz range.
SP Band Ctrl6 -15–+15 [dB] Sets the gain (amount of boost/cut) in the 8000 Hz range.
SP Width 1–5 Sets the bandwidth for changing the levels, common to all bands.
EH Switch OFF, ON Turns the enhancer on/off.
EH Sens 0–100 Sets how easily the enhancer effect is applied.
EH Mix 0–100 Sets the ratio at which the harmonics generated by the enhancer are mixed with the original sound.
Pan L64–63R Changes the pan.
Level 0–127 Output Level