Flattens out high levels and boosts low levels, smoothing out fluctuations in volume.




Attack 0–124 Sets the speed at which compression starts
Release 0–124 Adjusts the time after the signal volume falls below the Threshold Level until compression is no longer applied.
Threshold -60–0 [dB] Adjusts the volume at which compression begins
Knee 0–30 [dB] This is a function that smooths the onset of compression from the uncompressed state; it gradually applies compression starting earlier than Threshold.
Higher values produce a smoother transition.
Ratio 1: 1, 1.5: 1, 2: 1, 4: 1, 16: 1, INF: 1 Compression ratio
Post Gain 0–+18 [dB] Level of the output sound
Level 0–127 Output Level